General Update:
I know it's been a while since I last posted! I haven't disappeared and my h0m3lab is still in full force.. The summers are brutal for me to give any serious attention to my lab due to in being in my garage with no AC.. Get's in the mid 30's Celsius in there during the summer and no one wants to hang out in that!
Now that the temperature outside is getting down to single digits it's enjoyable to be hanging out in my garage again. Over the past month I've been doing a serious cleanse and re-organization of the space & preparing to stream live on Twitch and/or YouTube on stuff I'm doing in there.
The H0m3Lab:
has been going strong since my last post! Not a huge amount has changed as stuff has just worked which has been a surprise but probably cause I havent been... I've added a few TB's or storage and that's about it really.
3D Printing:
My printer was working OK, but in order to put in the time to get it working better I knew I had to move it to a more permanent dedicated space - which I have done. I'll be back full fledged printing/screwing up stuff and modifying my Delta on live streams very soon!
RC Stuff:
This is probably what has had the most of my time over the past 6 months. I've been dipping my toes into the water of flying RC stuff for a few years but I didn't really let it consume my life until this past summer when I was in PEI and I took my little Sport Cub S. I ended up taking a pop into Great Hobbies and walked out with a Inverza 280 which sparked a flame that has blown into a huge hobby of mine. Not only flying planes but a little bit of everything including building a few FliteTest scratch builds out of Dollorama foam board. I have a few fixed wing planes, versa winged planes, quads ranging from nanoQX to 250 race quad and a mCP X helicopter. I enjoy the DIY stuff most so the ARF stuff excites me! I'm currently working on getting a new Revo F4 flight controller all configured with BetaFlight for my 250 race quad with telemetry & FPV setup. I have all the equipment it's just learning and building which hopefully will happen mostly via the live stream so we can learn together.